MichaelDausch: Jack Starts, Nora Centers Herself...
MichaelDausch: Jack Getting Some Tips, Nora Observes
MichaelDausch: Nora Just Goes For It
MichaelDausch: Auntie Ria Oversees the Operation
MichaelDausch: Can You Smell It?
MichaelDausch: In Mid-Song
MichaelDausch: Probably Looking at Jack
MichaelDausch: Nora Didn't Mess Around
MichaelDausch: From the Dining Room
MichaelDausch: Nora Forgot How It Goes...Just For A Second
MichaelDausch: "Remember to Tell Your Friends About Ma Program"
MichaelDausch: Jack Getting the Hang
MichaelDausch: Showing Off His Egg
MichaelDausch: Abby Checking In On Hers
MichaelDausch: Yet Another One For Nora
MichaelDausch: Jack Called Uncle Jimmy Uncle MIKE!
MichaelDausch: ("Why's he always taking pictures?")
MichaelDausch: Ria Wrapping Up The Festivities
MichaelDausch: Observing Their Eggs
MichaelDausch: What Should We Do Next?
MichaelDausch: Abby Knows
MichaelDausch: Girl Time
MichaelDausch: And Now, How to Eat Ice Cream Like a Kid
MichaelDausch: 1. Bring the Ice Cream To You
MichaelDausch: 2. Shovel It In...
MichaelDausch: 3. Worry About Your Face Later
MichaelDausch: Finally...
MichaelDausch: Do Not Share
MichaelDausch: With Anyone :)