Michael Bateman: Mallard Ducks
Michael Bateman: Blue Angel
Michael Bateman: St. Hubert's Chapel in Fall Dress with Mute Swans
Michael Bateman: Classic Carol
Michael Bateman: Air Carol has reached crusing altitude and will be landing slightly ahead of schedule in 2.6 seconds
Michael Bateman: Merry Christmas and STOP looking at me like that!
Michael Bateman: Two Birds / Nine Images Composited
Michael Bateman: Loaned Some Duck
Michael Bateman: More Classic Carol!
Michael Bateman: Walking on Water in Michigan's Tuttle Marsh Wetlands Wildlife Preserve
Michael Bateman: A View to a Kill
Michael Bateman: TRICK or TREAT!!
Michael Bateman: White-Breasted Nuthatch / 3 Images Composited
Michael Bateman: Red-Bellied Woodpecker with Prey
Michael Bateman: Vulture One Five cleared to Mahwah via radar vectors to Apshawa Brook
Michael Bateman: Turkey Gang!
Michael Bateman: Skinny Dipping