michael baumann: hiking in the alps, oberengadin, switzerland
michael baumann: view over the valley, oberengadin, switzerland
michael baumann: brooklyn roof deck: view west. world trade center
michael baumann: dunes fence, southampton beach
michael baumann: magic blanket. prospect park, brooklyn ny
michael baumann: armed forces recruiting station. times square, manhattan, new york
michael baumann: melancholy on the beach. southampton ny
michael baumann: beach house. southampton ny
michael baumann: on the water. long island ny
michael baumann: truck on the beach. southampton long island ny
michael baumann: long island ny, wooley pond
michael baumann: lifeguard stand. southampton beach long island ny
michael baumann: dunes. southampton beach long island ny
michael baumann: southampton beach, long island ny
michael baumann: looking out. wooley pond long island ny
michael baumann: stairs to the office