michael ballestamon: Waiting to board
michael ballestamon: Boarding soon!
michael ballestamon: China Airlines 747 @ LAX
michael ballestamon: ready for an adventure!
michael ballestamon: Departing LAX for BKK
michael ballestamon: Sunset over the pacific
michael ballestamon: 20 some odd hours of this...
michael ballestamon: 20 some odd hours of this...
michael ballestamon: coughs in recycled air... no thank you
michael ballestamon: Arriving in BKK at 2am
michael ballestamon: Dex in our taxi ride from the airport to our guesthouse
michael ballestamon: quiet freeways of Bangkok in the middle of the night
michael ballestamon: the view from our guesthouse window
michael ballestamon: the view from our guesthouse window
michael ballestamon: the view from our guesthouse window
michael ballestamon: the view from our guesthouse window
michael ballestamon: Looking out the front door of our guesthouse
michael ballestamon: The street we stayed on
michael ballestamon: just outside our guesthouse
michael ballestamon: Thailand2013-8616
michael ballestamon: tons of food stalls set up right outside people's homes
michael ballestamon: Our guesthouse
michael ballestamon: Tons of scooters
michael ballestamon: Many shrines on the streets
michael ballestamon: Incense at a shrine on the street
michael ballestamon: Offerings and Incense at a shrine on the street