michael ballestamon: The gang excited for the hike ahead!
michael ballestamon: Coast line near the start of Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: Entering the tree cover
michael ballestamon: ahh... down hill in the shade
michael ballestamon: Bass Lake seen from Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: Randy next to Bass Lake
michael ballestamon: Making our way down Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: Making our way down Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: Pelican Lake seen from Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: the gang reaching a clearing
michael ballestamon: the gang reaching a clearing
michael ballestamon: little creek
michael ballestamon: Bridge across the creek
michael ballestamon: Hiking along Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: view of the ocean from Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: the hills alongside Coast Trail
michael ballestamon: Wildcat Lake
michael ballestamon: Aproaching Wildcat Camp
michael ballestamon: Lunch on the beach near Wildcat Camp
michael ballestamon: Lunch on the beach near Wildcat Camp
michael ballestamon: Deb = too cool for school...
michael ballestamon: Looking down the beach from Wildcat Camp
michael ballestamon: Looking down the beach from Wildcat Camp
michael ballestamon: Randy on Wildcat Beach
michael ballestamon: JUMP!.... and tackle....