michael ballestamon: getting all our gear packed up and ready to go
michael ballestamon: What we came to conquer
michael ballestamon: quick shuttle from the parking lot to Happy Isles trailhead
michael ballestamon: And off we go!
michael ballestamon: The start of the Mist Trail
michael ballestamon: The Merced River
michael ballestamon: Doe & Dex admiring the river
michael ballestamon: The trail listings
michael ballestamon: one tough 8 miles!
michael ballestamon: Dex feelin it already
michael ballestamon: Ellen taking in the scenery
michael ballestamon: Merced River rapids
michael ballestamon: Doe & Dex on the first bridge
michael ballestamon: Cha making her way up the Mist Trail to the top of Vernal Falls
michael ballestamon: Dex & Cha about to get soaked
michael ballestamon: The group getting a little misty
michael ballestamon: Vernal Falls flowing nice and strong
michael ballestamon: Vernal Falls flowing nice and strong
michael ballestamon: They call it the Mist Trail for a reason
michael ballestamon: heading to the top of Vernal Falls
michael ballestamon: Ellen making it to the top of Vernal Falls
michael ballestamon: Me w/ the Yosemite Valley behind me
michael ballestamon: IDK, my BFF Doe