michael ballestamon: Killing time on hour 12hr flight
michael ballestamon: Top Gear on the flight!
michael ballestamon: Boeing 777 Wing over the Pacific
michael ballestamon: Boeing 777 Wing over the Pacific
michael ballestamon: Almost there!
michael ballestamon: long walk through ICN
michael ballestamon: Waiting for the Arex
michael ballestamon: Airport Railroad Station
michael ballestamon: Airport Railroad Station
michael ballestamon: Airport Railroad Station
michael ballestamon: Seoul Subway
michael ballestamon: Airport Express Train
michael ballestamon: Airport Express Train
michael ballestamon: Airport Express Train
michael ballestamon: View out the window headed to Seoul
michael ballestamon: yay, another stamp!
michael ballestamon: Waiting in Seoul Station
michael ballestamon: aparently there's an elephant living in there
michael ballestamon: TINY little restaurant
michael ballestamon: Seoul's little alleys are awesome
michael ballestamon: Walking these twisty turny little streets, i felt like i was in some K-Drama
michael ballestamon: Auntie Lita in Dongdaemun
michael ballestamon: river through Dongdaemun
michael ballestamon: At our first official meal in South Korea
michael ballestamon: friendly ajumma and her kitchen