michael ballestamon: Trees atop Sutro Heights
michael ballestamon: Tree atop Sutro Heights
michael ballestamon: walking down the steps to Sutro Baths
michael ballestamon: Erline & Theresa @ Sutro Baths
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath ruins
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath ruins
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath ruins
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath ruins
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath ruins
michael ballestamon: randy snapping away
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath ruins
michael ballestamon: Theresa & Erline dipping their feet in the Sutro Bath
michael ballestamon: Theresa & Erline dipping their feet in the Sutro Bath
michael ballestamon: Stairway down the cliffs
michael ballestamon: Rocks off the beach
michael ballestamon: going towards the light
michael ballestamon: Theresa & Erline exiting the tunnel
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath Ruins
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath Ruins
michael ballestamon: Sutro Bath Ruins
michael ballestamon: Randy snapping pics of the girls
michael ballestamon: Randy snapping pics of the girls
michael ballestamon: Randy's not a very sneaky voyeur
michael ballestamon: Erline & Theresa working it for Randy's camera
michael ballestamon: The four of us at Sutro Baths
michael ballestamon: Legion of Honor
michael ballestamon: Legion of Honor
michael ballestamon: Legion of Honor
michael ballestamon: Randy waiting for it...
michael ballestamon: bam, got em!