michael ballestamon: My first time riding in a 777
michael ballestamon: Linda's Japanese Gingara Alera
michael ballestamon: Way before the sun rose over Chicago
michael ballestamon: The morning twilight outside Ohare
michael ballestamon: Ohare airport terminal
michael ballestamon: The sky is beginning to brighten
michael ballestamon: One of the 2 indians
michael ballestamon: An old style theater
michael ballestamon: The Corn Cobbs
michael ballestamon: The bottom of the Corn Cobbs
michael ballestamon: oh man, Anne Sather's
michael ballestamon: Linda's breakfast burrito and potatoes
michael ballestamon: Sea Lion cruisin' upside down
michael ballestamon: Sleepy lion
michael ballestamon: Sleepy eye'd Lion
michael ballestamon: little cat in it's cardboard box
michael ballestamon: *lips smacking*
michael ballestamon: Howler Monkeys
michael ballestamon: For some reason this guy reminded me of the wizard of Oz
michael ballestamon: Some other kind of monkey
michael ballestamon: yep, another monkey
michael ballestamon: Yet another monkey
michael ballestamon: a bunch of monkeys
michael ballestamon: We're both checkin out the same chick...
michael ballestamon: Oscar becomes one w/ his surroundings
michael ballestamon: This was a BIG gorilla
michael ballestamon: This one made me SO sad!
michael ballestamon: A lone zebra
michael ballestamon: The business end of a camel