Michaelavk: We Are Many
Michaelavk: Much Taggin' and So Forth
Michaelavk: So Many Streets!
Michaelavk: Saxon Sign
Michaelavk: Hidden Outpost
Michaelavk: Buggy Door
Michaelavk: Protectress (or Something)
Michaelavk: A Place for Them
Michaelavk: My Fountain Phobic Friend Would Not Enjoy
Michaelavk: Polish Tomb of the Unknown...
Michaelavk: Polish Tomb of the Unknown...
Michaelavk: Polish Tomb of the Unknown...
Michaelavk: Like Leaves and Kings, Everything Must Fall
Michaelavk: Beautiful Place
Michaelavk: These Letters Look Soft
Michaelavk: Gate to a Building I don't Quite Remember
Michaelavk: DSC05400
Michaelavk: DSC05401
Michaelavk: DSC05403
Michaelavk: Peachy Buildings
Michaelavk: DSC05410
Michaelavk: This Building has Character(s)
Michaelavk: Knights and Ice Cream
Michaelavk: Restaurant Sign
Michaelavk: Cafe in the Window
Michaelavk: Bistro
Michaelavk: Walking. Street Numbers
Michaelavk: Zachianeck
Michaelavk: Summer Breeze