Michaelavk: We're pretty much brother and sister :-)
Michaelavk: Rahm is the BomB
Michaelavk: Ernie wants a house we can watch it from.
Michaelavk: A few of my boys. :-)
Michaelavk: You're all pretty, please don't fall off.
Michaelavk: Gay Americans
Michaelavk: Support!
Michaelavk: Our Parade Neighbors across Broadway
Michaelavk: Much Pride. :-)
Michaelavk: Vroom, Ladies!
Michaelavk: Pink, Please
Michaelavk: This one IS a man, right...??
Michaelavk: Hot Mama (Cool Grandma)!
Michaelavk: Tel Aviv!
Michaelavk: Hockey Players Rollin' down the Street
Michaelavk: Work those Sticks
Michaelavk: Check Mate! (Wait, that's Chess....)
Michaelavk: Wave It, Gurrrl
Michaelavk: Miss Foozie!
Michaelavk: The Boys of United
Michaelavk: In Flight
Michaelavk: ROTC Boys!
Michaelavk: Well, Hello There
Michaelavk: Only time it's acceptable to roll up your striped socks like this.
Michaelavk: Ditto
Michaelavk: Cater Waiters, Hit the Floor!
Michaelavk: Didn't they wear Daisy Dukes last Year?
Michaelavk: Sherifs Gone Wild
Michaelavk: Caitlin!