loveexploring: Iceberg in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Iceberg, Disko Bay
loveexploring: Iceberg in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Icebergs in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Iceberg in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Iceberg in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Tip of an iceberg
loveexploring: Sunny isle with pool
loveexploring: Iceberg in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Iceberg in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Ayers Rock in Disco Bay
loveexploring: Blue Lagoon 2
loveexploring: Iceberg in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Iceberg off the coast of Disko Island- Disko Bay, Greenland
loveexploring: Passing a large iceberg on the ferry to Disko Island- Disko Bay, Greenland
loveexploring: Icebergs in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Floating knight
loveexploring: Iceberg in Disko Bay
loveexploring: Disko Island coast- Greenland
loveexploring: Approaching Qeqertarsuaq harbour- Disko Island, Greenland
loveexploring: Arrival in Qeqertarsuaq- Disko Island, Greenland
loveexploring: Beached ice bits and bergs- Qeqertarsuaq, Disko Island, greenland
loveexploring: Landfall
loveexploring: Playing with ice
loveexploring: Beach at Quequertarsuaq- Disko Island, Greenland
loveexploring: Arctic poppy- Papaver radicatum
loveexploring: Hairy Lousewort
loveexploring: Hairy Lousewort
loveexploring: Leaving civilisation behind
loveexploring: Heading inland along Blæsedalen- Disko Island, Greenland