Michael.Strausbauch: 1901834358957
Michael.Strausbauch: 1901834878970
Michael.Strausbauch: 1901835918996
Michael.Strausbauch: Real Car Show 7-4-2012 Only in the midwest A PINK tractor
Michael.Strausbauch: An Isetta (BMW) 13hp motorcycle engine, might get
Michael.Strausbauch: Another little Nash-Metropolitian I ran across I w
Michael.Strausbauch: Grocery Store 10-9-10 Mazda Miata with girlfriend
Michael.Strausbauch: I ran across this again looking for some sequence
Michael.Strausbauch: Now this is just wrong, pretty cute but so wrong
Michael.Strausbauch: On the way to Minneapolis
Michael.Strausbauch: One of the local characters that stand out on main
Michael.Strausbauch: That is a terrible thing to do to a bug Arts Center
Michael.Strausbauch: We see this water tower everyday
Michael.Strausbauch: The True Surefire Way to My Heart
Michael.Strausbauch: TWO PHOTO CLICHES in ONE, I went for it anyway