Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20121230-0019
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20121230-0016
Michael_Soliman: Iron Man Christmas
Michael_Soliman: Best Christmas Present Ever. (I was wondering what he was working on all day yesterday.)
Michael_Soliman: I was trying to compose a shot. Then I was photo bombed.
Michael_Soliman: I turn my back for a minute and Gabe is replaced by Fire Iron Man. Coincidence?
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20121122-0060
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20121019-0034
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20121019-0028
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20121019-0006
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120908-0027
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120908-0007
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120901-0053
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120901-0028
Michael_Soliman: Gabe assures us that he knows ALL about making cookies now.
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120814-0070
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120814-0068
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120809-0008
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120809-0004
Michael_Soliman: Daredevil
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120728-0036
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120728-0030
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120707-0019
Michael_Soliman: Future cosplayer. (Yes, that's a cape.)
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120623-0078
Michael_Soliman: Gabe was waiting for the train ride all week.
Michael_Soliman: "We're landing in the ocean?!"
Michael_Soliman: Umm... you've got some Oreo in your teeth, son.
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120526-0093
Michael_Soliman: 5Dii-20120526-0003