Shinya Arimoto: ariphoto2011_2_12b
David Helmore: The equipment...what's currently in the bag..
FullClip: Leica M6
TommyOshima: abre los ojos
TommyOshima: snake charmer
harao_: 台風一過。サクレ買って帰ろ🍋
shinohara*: Inhale the earth
ceh_a: home
syo0828: Voice of the Wind
Rosa Durán: Self-portrait with my Rolleiflex
~ Nando ~: At home, Sault Ste. Marie
TommyOshima: through the looking glass
Aranjuez Chou: Fuji RVP100F-079
miki**: SWC*
Shinya Arimoto: ariphoto2012_2_12b
*Kit*: ainsley
TommyOshima: entropy 1
Hideaki Hamada: blow up #1
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Rollei SL66E Tilt Portrait
AAGCTT: Mastermind