Michael Bellee:
Beating Nanny at Draughts
Michael Bellee:
Felix and Polly
Michael Bellee:
Ready for the off
Michael Bellee:
Phil and the Children
Michael Bellee:
Leaving Harbour on "Red Rackham"
Michael Bellee:
Captain Smart
Michael Bellee:
Casey and Steve
Michael Bellee:
About half-way
Michael Bellee:
Any one at home?
Michael Bellee:
Cabin Boy
Michael Bellee:
Linda and the boys
Michael Bellee:
Offloading at Maitresse Isle
Michael Bellee:
Nearly ashore
Michael Bellee:
Michael Bellee:
Gavin, Casey and Steve (after recovery)
Michael Bellee:
Felix and Papa
Michael Bellee:
Steve takes a break
Michael Bellee:
Michael Bellee:
Michael Bellee:
Top of the island
Michael Bellee:
Just for Phil's future reference
Michael Bellee:
Wonderful Vista
Michael Bellee:
Enjoying the break
Michael Bellee:
Britain's most Southerly toilet
Michael Bellee:
Linda and the BBQ
Michael Bellee:
Felix gets a climbing lesson
Michael Bellee:
Mick, Felix and Rackham
Michael Bellee:
Charging the batteries
Michael Bellee:
The Rib returns our crew
Michael Bellee:
The Sand Bar at one hour before low water