michael_avaloke‘s photography: Pearls hanging on the tree
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Female Scarlet backed Flowerpecker
michael_avaloke‘s photography: A morning at LSG Park.
michael_avaloke‘s photography: 2021-05-27_08-11-07
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Natural-light Orange Portrait
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Copper-throated Sunbird
michael_avaloke‘s photography: House Shrew Black&White
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Rose-ringed Parakeet
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Dark-tipped Forest-skimmer (Female)
michael_avaloke‘s photography: A cloudy morning @Changi Boardwalk
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Eight legged in B&W
michael_avaloke‘s photography: The dangling lantterns 大紅燈籠高高掛
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Blue bees and flower
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Troides helena 裳鳳蝶
michael_avaloke‘s photography: My first SLR. How about yours?
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Blue-banded Bees 2020-1-360
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Squirrel having it's breakfast
michael_avaloke‘s photography: Glass Demon (Butterfly)