Micha67: Chipmunck
Micha67: Who is that guy over there
Micha67: Deer Doe
Micha67: Deer - Pregnant Doe
Micha67: Traffic Jam
Micha67: Beaver circling the boat
Micha67: Beaver at Sheltered Lakes
Micha67: Harvest Time
Micha67: On the watch tower
Micha67: Getting ready for Winter
Micha67: Life and Death
Micha67: Chipmonk on the move
Micha67: Sunbath
Micha67: Last turtle of the season
Micha67: Lunch
Micha67: Me? Share? I don't think so!
Micha67: Red Panda
Micha67: Splash
Micha67: Deer with Fly - or is it a - Deer-Fly with a Deer
Micha67: Mouthful
Micha67: Looking for a mate?
Micha67: The Pond in Fall
Micha67: Squirrel enjoying the sun
Micha67: Happy Thanksgiving
Micha67: Look who is looking
Micha67: Chipmunk
Micha67: Michigan Rattlesnake
Micha67: Ready for Spring
Micha67: Gosling
Micha67: Spring in the Forest