micha-photo: 2017-05_PENTAX ME super-58-The nest at the house
micha-photo: 2017-05_PENTAX ME super-63 - The abandoned bottle
micha-photo: 2017-05_PENTAX ME super-61-Flow / The vortex of life
micha-photo: 20171031-IMGP0699-Two women are standing at a sculpture
micha-photo: 2017-10_PENTAX ME super-01
micha-photo: 20171031-IMGP0710-The woman on the phone
micha-photo: 20171031-IMGP0721-Craggy architectural contrasts
micha-photo: 20180822-DSCN3787-The oath of Kärnan
micha-photo: 20180822-DSCN3807-I was there, a ride before