micha-photo: Ratlos auf'm Ku'damm
micha-photo: Schnappschuß vom Schnappschuß / Snapshot from the snapshot
micha-photo: Cindy's Diner ...
micha-photo: Die etwas ander Perspektive
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0043-Achtung: sehr scharf / Warning: very sharp
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0046-Wegwerfgesellschaft / Throwaway society
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0165-Befreiung zu Pferde
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0251-Das letzte Wort aus der Bibel ist nicht amen! / The last word of the Bible is not amen!
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0263-Staub in den Straßen der Stadt / Dust in the streets of the city
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0270-Wundervolles Publikum
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0272-Unheil liegt in der Luft / Disaster is in the air
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0290-Totengräber / Grave digger
micha-photo: 20140705-DSC_0324-Ups, damit rechnen Bösewichter nicht
micha-photo: 2014-KONICA C35-Nachlese: Alte Tuchfabrik Wittstock/Dosse
micha-photo: 2014-KONICA C35-Nachlese: Alte Tuchfabrik Wittstock/Dosse
micha-photo: 2014-KONICA C35-Nachlese: Alte Tuchfabrik Wittstock/Dosse
micha-photo: 2014-KONICA C35-Nachlese: Alte Tuchfabrik Wittstock/Dosse
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050120-Blurred venerability
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050138-As the sun gives these windows a bit venerable gloss
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050155-Shadows on old glass
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050163-More tender sunshine in the old Cloth Hall
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050167-Birch at the window
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050176-Who likes as last have transported fine cloth?
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050181-Respectlessly smashed!
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050190-This window openers will probably never operated
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050208-window, glass and steel
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050210-A look through old glass on the roofs of old Sukiennice
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050215-Turbid outlook for this old factory
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050218-A long series of pointless knocked out window frame
micha-photo: 20141003-P1050248-Even spiders weave no longer here