micha-photo: Jessica
micha-photo: 20110520-DSC_1651-Portrait
micha-photo: Annika (III)
micha-photo: Annika
micha-photo: Two and a lamp.
micha-photo: Annika
micha-photo: P1000040-Nette Begegnung auf dem Nachhauseweg ...
micha-photo: 20130515-P1000037-Frau Pertus, Buchautorin / Mrs. Pertus, book author
micha-photo: 20130515-P1000044-Portrait of an enigmatic girl
micha-photo: 20130602-DSC_0069-Portrait of the painter Mrs. K.
micha-photo: 20130602-DSC_0073-The painter in front of one of her works of art
micha-photo: 20130612-DSC_0003-Frau N. (III)
micha-photo: 20130612-DSC_0043-Frau N. (IV)
micha-photo: 20130612-DSC_0071-Frau N.
micha-photo: 2013-07-20-DSC_0138-Bearded Men with a large glass ball and dark sunglasses
micha-photo: 2013-07-20-DSC_0187-CSD 2013
micha-photo: 2013-07-20-DSC_0230-Young man with glasses and wig, looks at me skeptically
micha-photo: 2013-07-20-DSC_0274-Young man with a wig in Ladies wear
micha-photo: 2013-07-20-DSC_0284-Young lady with scarf and top hat
micha-photo: 2013-07-20-DSC_0305-CSD 2013 (X)
micha-photo: 20131021-DSC_0087-Detlef Nahmmacher, Freund des Schriftstellers Walter Kempowski.
micha-photo: 20131024-P1000085-Frau N. / Mrs. N.
micha-photo: 20131024-P1000119-Frau N. / Mrs. N.
micha-photo: 20131109-P1000034-In organic cosmetics sky
micha-photo: 20140221-P1000040- Spaziergang in warmen Sonnenschein / Walk in the warm sunshine
micha-photo: 20140420-DSC_0049-Ostermarkt
micha-photo: 20140524-DSC_0005-Querflöte
micha-photo: 20140524-DSC_0007-Cello
micha-photo: 20140524-DSC_0122-The powerful look of a lioness
micha-photo: 20140524-DSC_0133-Mr. M. is surprised, but not angry