micahvandegrift: 3D printing Napoleon's bust
micahvandegrift: Collaboration!
micahvandegrift: Getting Started with Digital Projects discussion
micahvandegrift: Digital Library Center tour
micahvandegrift: Getting Started with Digital Projects discussion
micahvandegrift: Discussion room
micahvandegrift: Grants and funding panel
micahvandegrift: Mark delivering the Keynote
micahvandegrift: Oculus Rift at CCI exhibit table
micahvandegrift: Planning committee and Keynote Speaker Mark Newton
micahvandegrift: Michael Neal - Digital Pedagogy
micahvandegrift: It starts...
micahvandegrift: Michael Neal - Digital Pedagogy
micahvandegrift: Oculus Rift!
micahvandegrift: Web scraping with Python
micahvandegrift: Finally, Proof!
micahvandegrift: Jean Phillips closing the day
micahvandegrift: Intro to TEI
micahvandegrift: Makerspaces
micahvandegrift: Owen Mundy presenting I Know Where Your Cat Lives
micahvandegrift: Showcase panelists
micahvandegrift: Grants and Funding Panel