Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB President & CEO Bill Talbert recently met with Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy Morales, Miami Beach Commissioner Mark Samuelian, CCRA Sr. Manager Laura Dominguez and AAO Senior Director of Meetings/Research Johnnie White to discuss tourism.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Multicultural Tourism Team celebrated the Annual Calle Ocho Festival on March 10, 2019 in Little Havana.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Multicultural Tourism partnered with Jazz in the Gardens as sponsor of pre-events including FMAC (Film, Music Art & Culture Conference) and the Women’s Impact Luncheon, both hosted at the FIU Koven’sCenter, March 9-10, 2019.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Team alongside Nathan Kurland and Councilman Alix Desulme at the Miami Bayside Foundation's Small Business Workshop launch in North Miami March 7, 2019.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
Thousands enjoyed the incredible Jazz in the Gardens concert on March 10, 2019.