Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Team and industry peers supported the 20th Annual AfrICANDO Conference supporting US-Africa trade held September 25-28, 2018.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Multicultural Tourism VP Connie Kinnard participated in The Black Professionals' Annual Summit on September 29-30, 2018.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB President & CEO William D. Talbert III CDME was honored with hte South Florida Business Journal's Ultimate CEO Award on September 27, 2018.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Multicultural Tourism Team supported the City of Hialeah's La Mano Hispana Art Exhibit.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Team attended the Miami-Dade Branch of the NAACP 30th Anniversary Soiree Gala on Saturday September 29, 2018 .