Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Multicultural Tourism and Travel Industry Sales Teams joined forces for Jamaica Sales Mission to sell and promote Greater Miami – May 1-2, 2017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Team with American Airlines sales representative greeting travel agents from Trafalgar Travel agency during Jamaica Sales Mission – May 1-2, 1017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB President & CEO Bill Talbert with GMCVB Team for Miami Museum Month kick-off at American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora, Miami, FL May 4, 2017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Cultural Tourism/LGBT Team promoted Greater Miami and the Beaches at IGLTA Conference in St. Petersburg, FL May 4-7, 2017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Team and Board Members participated in the Greater Miami and The Beaches Hotel Association’s Inn Key Awards May 5, 2017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB was a proud sponsor of Actors’ Playhouse 7th Annual Young Talent/Big Dreams countywide talent search finals May 6, 2017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB recognized by Office of the Mayor City of Coral Gables during Economic Development Day in Coral Gables, FL May 9, 2017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Convention Sales Team was busy selling and promoting Greater Miami at the FedEx Meeting Evolution Summit in Memphis May 8-9, 2017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB presented State of the Travel & Tourism Industry to Coral Gables Mayor and Commission during National Travel & Tourism Week May 9, 2017.
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau:
GMCVB Participates in Haitian Heritage Month Opening Reception hosted by Commissioner Jean Monestime.