miamabanta: still on the grid
miamabanta: exhibit A: somewhere on the snaefellsnes peninsula
miamabanta: hi jackie
miamabanta: lava fields
miamabanta: we went on a brief excursion to the west coast
miamabanta: hitchhiking in iowa
miamabanta: first car
miamabanta: icelandic churches are unique
miamabanta: a church in stykkisholmur
miamabanta: wes' side
miamabanta: downtown reykjavik
miamabanta: in search of hidden people
miamabanta: seriously, she's looking for them
miamabanta: we delighted all over this lava field
miamabanta: troll territory
miamabanta: dan and svartifoss
miamabanta: oh, and this is kate's waterfall face
miamabanta: josh and balli
miamabanta: glacier at skaftafell
miamabanta: kate and balli
miamabanta: bergs
miamabanta: more bergs
miamabanta: the big dot
miamabanta: our car broke in the middle of nowhere.
miamabanta: first we thought we didn't have enough oil, then we thought we had too much.
miamabanta: we ended up ditching the car
miamabanta: some scenery
miamabanta: a standard road shot
miamabanta: skaftfell, a cafe/art space