miamabanta: Ready for the farm
miamabanta: Piping down back there... for now
miamabanta: Crossing into Virginia
miamabanta: The Trinkets
miamabanta: Small crowd
miamabanta: We're with the band...
miamabanta: rustic!
miamabanta: Brice
miamabanta: Planetoid expert
miamabanta: Checking out the packing shed
miamabanta: Saying grace?
miamabanta: On the seasonality of constellations
miamabanta: Wood gatherers take a break
miamabanta: Grant's awesome van
miamabanta: ...some had the luxury of passing out in the "sitting room"
miamabanta: You call that a chicken dance?
miamabanta: He knows she's been talking about him
miamabanta: Not sleeping... waiting
miamabanta: Alana planted this entire field of flowers before she went to bed
miamabanta: Aw dang, I missed a patch
miamabanta: Watching Eric examine the only dead flower in the field
miamabanta: Look who decided to join us
miamabanta: Breakfast on the porch
miamabanta: The other Washington house
miamabanta: A bit of a fixer upper, but the wallpaper's alright
miamabanta: High tetanus risk
miamabanta: Actually, this kitchen is almost nicer than ours
miamabanta: Bittersweet