miamabanta: Kate: still not giving up the wheel
miamabanta: first night: cruise
miamabanta: Dapper Dans
miamabanta: physical context
miamabanta: nice sunglasses
miamabanta: The glorious life of Brandy Bones
miamabanta: the funny thing about these two is that every time they see each other, it's like they're finding out how hilarious the other is for the first time
miamabanta: standers
miamabanta: she's a hit, folks
miamabanta: sass masters
miamabanta: winos
miamabanta: impersonating mccauley
miamabanta: gone with the wind
miamabanta: impersonating brandy, or a windvane
miamabanta: we love laryn
miamabanta: always candid
miamabanta: acapella singers
miamabanta: still fleece
miamabanta: wasn't that nice
miamabanta: better stand up straight
miamabanta: i think he's strutting
miamabanta: on the verge of a brilliant witticism
miamabanta: waiting for dinner
miamabanta: uh, i don't know if this elevator is big enough for a mccauley and a luggage cart
miamabanta: hang on little mccauley