MIAD Communication Design: Tide bottle upcycled to sailing tools
MIAD Communication Design: Tide bottle upcycled to sailing tools
MIAD Communication Design: The Styrophone
MIAD Communication Design: Detergent Bottle upcycled to paintball dispenser
MIAD Communication Design: Wine bottles upcycled to glassware
MIAD Communication Design: beverage bottle and spice cap upcycled to firefly catcher
MIAD Communication Design: beverage bottle and spice cap upcycled to firefly catcher
MIAD Communication Design: Egg carton upcylced to jewelry box
MIAD Communication Design: assorted packaging upcycled to jewelry
MIAD Communication Design: assorted packaging upcycled to jewelry
MIAD Communication Design: Paint can upcycled to storage shelf
MIAD Communication Design: Paint can upcycled to storage shelf
MIAD Communication Design: Mini Altoid boxes upcycled to storage boxes
MIAD Communication Design: Mini Altoid boxes upcycled to storage boxes
MIAD Communication Design: egg carton upcyled to party lily lights
MIAD Communication Design: egg carton upcyled to party lily lights
MIAD Communication Design: Software box upcycled to handbag
MIAD Communication Design: Software box upcycled to handbag
MIAD Communication Design: Software box upcycled to handbag
MIAD Communication Design: Pop tab / Bottle cap clasp
MIAD Communication Design: Pop tab / Bottle cap clasp
MIAD Communication Design: Milk Carton upcycled to Wallet
MIAD Communication Design: Milk Carton upcycled to Wallet
MIAD Communication Design: Canning Jars upcycled to hanging candle lamp