mhedstrom: At the Bortman's for Passover
mhedstrom: Jodi and Jacob
mhedstrom: Michelle and Jacob
mhedstrom: Jacob
mhedstrom: Jodi and Jacob
mhedstrom: Leif at Dirt Burner's Racing
mhedstrom: Howard prepares the fuel
mhedstrom: Leif and Howard ready the car
mhedstrom: Howard and Leif ready the car
mhedstrom: The indoor track
mhedstrom: The indoor track
mhedstrom: Leif's car on the straightaway
mhedstrom: Howard shows off his driving ability
mhedstrom: Michelle takes a turn at the wheel
mhedstrom: Adam and Matthew
mhedstrom: Matthew
mhedstrom: Morgan and Lorynn
mhedstrom: Morgan
mhedstrom: Leif and his idol
mhedstrom: Jason and Stacey
mhedstrom: Leif and Dad
mhedstrom: Nancy and Stacey
mhedstrom: Mom and Jacob
mhedstrom: Leif driving his car