mhchipmunk: 1-365 Sleeping the day away
mhchipmunk: My handsome fella
mhchipmunk: Num num num
mhchipmunk: 22-365 Who? Me?
mhchipmunk: 25-365 I Wuv You
mhchipmunk: 35-365 Don't Mess With My Bear
mhchipmunk: 38-365 Puppy Love
mhchipmunk: 40-365 Sleepy Time
mhchipmunk: Sam 6 months
mhchipmunk: Dog in a Box
mhchipmunk: Crash
mhchipmunk: Sam Eye Am
mhchipmunk: Oh the troubles I've seen
mhchipmunk: EAT!!!
mhchipmunk: Nine Months
mhchipmunk: bored
mhchipmunk: ten months
mhchipmunk: Pretty Butterfly... SQUASH
mhchipmunk: Sam in the Light
mhchipmunk: Yes, it IS hard being this handsome
mhchipmunk: Sam in the Light
mhchipmunk: Sam is One
mhchipmunk: Mud Bay2
mhchipmunk: Too. Much. Turkey
mhchipmunk: Sam in the snow
mhchipmunk: Sam in the snow
mhchipmunk: Charlie's doing what?
mhchipmunk: Clamdigger
mhchipmunk: Sam on my lap