mhartford: Marshall at No Name Lake
mhartford: Marshall preparing to leave for backpacking trek
mhartford: Marshall - thumbs up!
mhartford: Troop 1 Backpacking crew - Phillip, Evan, Joseph, Cheryl, Marshall, Michael
mhartford: Michael preparing to leave for backpacking trek
mhartford: Evan preparing to leave for backpacking trek
mhartford: Phillip preparing to leave for backpacking trek
mhartford: Farewell to the backpackers
mhartford: Cheryl preparing to leave for backpacking trek
mhartford: Trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Marshall at Trailhead
mhartford: Cheryl and Marshall on Trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Phillip and Joseph on Trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Evan on Trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Marshall on Trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Troop 1 on the trail to No Name Lake
mhartford: Water filter break - Evan
mhartford: No Name Lake spur
mhartford: No Name Lake
mhartford: 2013-08-07 19.25.46
mhartford: No Name Lake