JOHN RACE1: 227D5C33-B978-42F7-A249-76CC626B7815
JOHN RACE1: 11A46404-BEDC-49DC-BDFC-0B98FB95329F
JOHN RACE1: 9361B6AA-678A-4232-B16F-A000BC203EA2
kapete: greenhouse
scrappy nw: Salvation Army Citadel
Cristiano Antognotti: Former paper mill
·dron·: summer
Stuart-B: 2023-10-06_02-04-08
Stuart-B: 2023-10-06_02-33-33
scrappy nw: Cannon Brewery 2023
scrappy nw: Salvation Army Citadel
Rob Oo: Upwards
solapi: Sometimes the most you can do is all you can do #21 EXPLORED 05/10/2023
Cristiano Antognotti: Former paper mill
Stuart-B: Lazy Ebike Wankers.
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Ex Ospedale Psichiatrico di V
andre govia.: The end of summer ..
Camera_Shy.: collapsed chapel
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
AndreJoosse Urbexnl: Soviet Train
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Angler's Boarding House
John M Newman: Abandoned Russian Radar Facility
·dron·: fragments
Stuart-B: 2023-09-16_02-00-58
Stuart-B: 2023-09-14_04-07-55
Stuart-B: 2023-09-14_04-08-43
Stuart-B: 2023-09-14_04-09-35