Mhairi 1975: Allan at Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Black Rock Gorge sign, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: 'Would you like to see a deer?' Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Black Rock Gorge, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Black Rock Gorge, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Allan at Black Rock Gorge, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Black Rock Gorge, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Black Rock Gorge, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Black Rock Gorge, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Red squirrel sign, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Freaky squirrel sign, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Allan and a well, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Bendy tree, Evanton Woods
Mhairi 1975: Plump seal, basking on a rock in the Cromarty Firth
Mhairi 1975: Clootie Well, Black Isle
Mhairi 1975: Allan at the Clootie Well, Black Isle
Mhairi 1975: Clootie Well, Black Isle
Mhairi 1975: Allan at the Clootie Well, Black Isle
Mhairi 1975: Allan on the 'green' Berliner Weiss, The Anderson
Mhairi 1975: Stay Safe, Fortrose
Mhairi 1975: Looking over towards Inverness across the Moray Firth
Mhairi 1975: Allan and the Moray Firth
Mhairi 1975: Sign and the Moray Firth
Mhairi 1975: Allan, dolphin spotting
Mhairi 1975: Mhairi and Allan at Chanonry Point