mgur: My little girl
mgur: Outside with Leah2
mgur: Outside with Leah3
mgur: Reading with Mommy1
mgur: Reading with Mommy2
mgur: My precious little girl
mgur: I'm still so small.. (glazki)
mgur: Leah at 14 months
mgur: Leah is watching TV 1
mgur: Leah is watching TV 2
mgur: Tasty headphones (in Budapest)
mgur: Love her smile
mgur: Proud Dad
mgur: Her best impression of Lenin to date (Bratislava, Slovakia)
mgur: Mommy enjoying a strudel in Schonbrunn (Vienna)
mgur: At Imperial Demel cafe in Vienna
mgur: You see.. I learned something today
mgur: Riding train (somewhere around Breslov, Czech Republic)
mgur: The oldest Jewish cemetry in Europe (Prague, Czech Republic)
mgur: Sitting in stroller for too long.. sucks! (Karlstejn Castle, near Prague, Czech Republic)
mgur: Chillin' with Mommy
mgur: Hunting ducks.. [it's all over for that one]
mgur: Hunting ducks.. [target acquired]
mgur: Hunting ducks.. [it can run, but it can't hide]
mgur: Vkusnoscheka!
mgur: On the Balcony with Mommy
mgur: On the balcony5
mgur: On the balcony4
mgur: On the balcony3
mgur: On the balcony2