MGdeABQ: Still Life with Tangerine and Pear
MGdeABQ: Sweet and Hot, and Even Older
MGdeABQ: Still Life with Plum, Wild Plum Sprig, and Assorted Fittings
MGdeABQ: Sweet and Hot, but Old
MGdeABQ: Warm Vegs and Cool Copper Conchos
MGdeABQ: Gerbera Aster, Apricot, and Habañero Pepper
MGdeABQ: Ten Francs for Bean Soup Flavored with Cloves and Pepper
MGdeABQ: Cabbage and Candy Galaxy
MGdeABQ: Cradle
MGdeABQ: Mineola Tangelo and Irises
MGdeABQ: Stickley Desk Still Life
MGdeABQ: Still Life with Cornucopia and Morning Singer Talavai Kachina
MGdeABQ: Apple, Orange and Mineola Tangelo
MGdeABQ: Pear and Banana
MGdeABQ: Candlelit Pear
MGdeABQ: Pear and Nuts on Scrap
MGdeABQ: Still Life with Fromager d'Affenois
MGdeABQ: Jackalope Still Life II
MGdeABQ: Salad
MGdeABQ: Sugared Blueberries
MGdeABQ: Two Peppers And A Tomatilla - Backlit
MGdeABQ: Fiesta - a Still Life
MGdeABQ: The Offering
MGdeABQ: Merlot and Veggies
MGdeABQ: A Less Than Perfectly Classy Still Life
MGdeABQ: Still Life with Pumpkin and Pistacchio
MGdeABQ: High Key Cream and Sugar
MGdeABQ: Dessert with Creamy Topping
MGdeABQ: High Key Still Life Eggsperiment
MGdeABQ: Yucca Seed Pod and Seeds