Magdalena Gmur: La spilla rossa
Magdalena Gmur: Chiusa/Closed
Magdalena Gmur: Big Small World
Magdalena Gmur: There Is No Way to Happiness....
Magdalena Gmur: Allo specchio
Magdalena Gmur: Grasshopper
Magdalena Gmur: Di fiore in fiore/From flower to flower
Magdalena Gmur: Shadows of Time
Magdalena Gmur: The door of memory
Magdalena Gmur: Genziana
Magdalena Gmur: One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things *
Magdalena Gmur: The sky is the daily bread of the eyes*
Magdalena Gmur: Rain over the mountains
Magdalena Gmur: Quel mazzolin di fiori....
Magdalena Gmur: Mont Blanc
Magdalena Gmur: Dent du Géant
Magdalena Gmur: Look for me!
Magdalena Gmur: Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley*
Magdalena Gmur: Grappolo/Bunch
Magdalena Gmur: Flower Fireworks
Magdalena Gmur: Living creature
Magdalena Gmur: No Frontiers
Magdalena Gmur: Abbraccio
Magdalena Gmur: Rainbow boat
Magdalena Gmur: Three trees
Magdalena Gmur: In The Puddle