mgilbir: Demo food in a shop
mgilbir: Demo cake
mgilbir: Street in Arashiyama, Kyoto
mgilbir: Girl with kimono in Arashiyama, Kyoto
mgilbir: Cart
mgilbir: Tamy
mgilbir: Fountain
mgilbir: Shinto shrine
mgilbir: Miguel and Tamy
mgilbir: Maple leaves
mgilbir: Monkey's feeding time
mgilbir: Feeding time!
mgilbir: Little monkey
mgilbir: Monkey
mgilbir: Monkey eating chestnuts
mgilbir: Monkey eating
mgilbir: Japanese monkey
mgilbir: Monkey
mgilbir: Monkey
mgilbir: Kyoto from the monkey park
mgilbir: Little monkeys playing on the tent
mgilbir: Little monkeys playing on the tent
mgilbir: Two little monkeys
mgilbir: Little monkey
mgilbir: Little monkey
mgilbir: Monkey eating seeds
mgilbir: Monkey going down to the water
mgilbir: Monkey playing with the water
mgilbir: Climbing monkey
mgilbir: Little monkey