m.gifford: Presenting Open Data Award
m.gifford: OpenNorth's Open Data Award
m.gifford: Tony Clement
m.gifford: Minister Clement
m.gifford: 3. Act with empathy for goverment.
m.gifford: 2. Help citizens think and act politically, too.
m.gifford: What makes a dataset valuable?
m.gifford: 1. Think politically, even as we act technically.
m.gifford: IMG_9412
m.gifford: IMG_9408
m.gifford: Panthea Lee from Reboot
m.gifford: IMG_9398
m.gifford: Panel Discussions
m.gifford: Eric
m.gifford: OpenCorporates Impact Workshop
m.gifford: Laura's Workshop
m.gifford: What is impact to you?
m.gifford: Sameer Vasta of MarsDD
m.gifford: IMG_9371
m.gifford: Michael's Lighting Talk
m.gifford: Michael of Ajah
m.gifford: IMG_9353
m.gifford: Setting Up the Panel
m.gifford: IMG_9346
m.gifford: Jose on Panel
m.gifford: Thom Greeting Folks
m.gifford: Open.Canada.ca
m.gifford: IMG_9334
m.gifford: IMG_9329
m.gifford: IMG_9324