mggphoto: Dom making our pizza #DiFara #best pizza in the world #favorite people/places
mggphoto: Pictures from last weekend. Picking up the dress. Jenn trusted is and we came through. No dog hair even!
mggphoto: Friday night dinner. We had SO MUCH FUN at the mendhi party! Danced for hours. The food (all weekend) was awesome.
mggphoto: The groom's processional - more dancing! Jig was so happy. We all were. So much love.
mggphoto: My man. Getting down.
mggphoto: Teaser shot of the bride & groom. More tk from my other camera.
mggphoto: Hair change! Progress shot so Jenn can see what's up. Was so grateful to have this time with my sweet friend.
mggphoto: Verrazano with the gents. Always a good time when Z comes to town.
mggphoto: Day off breakfast. Boom.
mggphoto: Detail shot of my sari.