smoked-haddock: river from barnes1
smoked-haddock: woodern things for a boat?
smoked-haddock: kew bridge1
smoked-haddock: bell and crown
smoked-haddock: kew bridge
smoked-haddock: small passage
smoked-haddock: bridge at kew1
smoked-haddock: bottom of woodern fence
smoked-haddock: under bridge1
smoked-haddock: under bridge
smoked-haddock: postcap11
smoked-haddock: bridge at kew
smoked-haddock: postcap10
smoked-haddock: postcap9
smoked-haddock: postcap8
smoked-haddock: postcap7
smoked-haddock: postcap6
smoked-haddock: postcap5
smoked-haddock: postcap4
smoked-haddock: postcap3
smoked-haddock: postcap2
smoked-haddock: postcap1