Japan Camera Hunter: Nikon SP 2005 w/3.5cm W Nikkor C f1.8
Garlap: L1080390
BERT DESIGN: Taipei Metro
SimonSawSunlight: istanbul protests
Sion Fullana: "Top of the Rock"
Garlap: Olympus OM-2 & OM50mm f1.4
snoopmiao: 图如我心
oceanerin: picnic at the mission rose garden
Fat-Herma: 0011
kimkoryu: 吃地铁 摄于地铁M8 summicron 35/2
Vincent335: summicron 35/2
Garlap: 000045
skha818: nameless
bastalex: LEICA M7
Veeka Veeka: マルコ
komehachi888: quiet afternoon
VossenWheels: Vossen World Tour / Tokyo
流年似水: 聽白頭浪的小狗
je245: 3 generations...
atoshiaki: three trees
SimonSawSunlight: otherland
atoshiaki: Merry Christmas to you!
BERT DESIGN: Girl eats shrimp