Paul Lacey: Connemara
toscano libero: Serafino
joeqc: Closed
Jerry P Briggs: Eastern Pondhawk - Erythemis simplicicollis
Frank Hendriks Photography: I chose calmness and stillness among a crowd bathing in chaos. I chose happiness over screaming negativity around and I chose to be ME over the temptation of being like somebody else.
Frank Hendriks Photography: I'm that complicated, mysterious, yet content with the "simple" things in life. Don't try to understand me; you won't figure me out. But you're free to like me the way I am.
Frank Hendriks Photography: We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.
richard.mcmanus.: Red throated caracara.
alainroyparis: DSC_0146, Rue Clément, Paris, 6ème
Thomas Hawk: Found Kodachrome Slide -- The Sirkka Sopanen Collection
2c..: Moon Fly by.
Sal Patalano: Boston Public Library
coulportste: Scarborough
jruizramosjruizramos: LA MEZQUITA . NO COMMENT
museque: Nov 18
blavandmaster: Feels like heaven…
Isaszas: Light and shadow above a sleeping cat.
toscano libero: Vecchia casa in campagna
Vicente RG: Shyness
beranekp: 1998-09-20 Nürnberg Subway Car Nr.419
G. Postlethwaite esq.: Kerala sunset
íṛíṡíṡôṗĕñ āñd 看: Im-Ländle-#-IMG_3549-#-Apple-iPhone--2024
Frank van Dongen: Behind the scenes
Frans.Sellies: Vliehors, Sahara of the North (Vlieland, the Netherlands)
whidom88: Achill Island
alainroyparis: DSC_0111, Boulevard Saint Germain, Paris, 7ème