M Browne: Sid Foggs (25) Mercedes Benz O303-3/Austral Denning posed for a photo at Fullerton Cove
M Browne: Sid Foggs (11) Scania K440IB/Irizar i6S in the depot showcasing 60 years AOA
M Browne: Sid Foggs (4) Scania K310IB/Irizar i6S posed in the depot
M Browne: Sid Foggs (B5) Renault PR180.2/Ansair posed in the depot
M Browne: Sid Foggs (15) TV 6848 Scania K440EB/Irizar i6 posed in the depot with a striking AOA for the Newcastle Knights
M Browne: Sid Foggs (4) Scania K400EB/Irizar i6S posed in the depot in the Newcastle Knights livery
M Browne: Sid Foggs (7) BCI posed in the depot
M Browne: Sid Foggs (3) BCI posed in the depot
M Browne: Sid Foggs (1) BCI Cruiser 12 posed in the depot in a AOA for Helloworld Jesmond
M Browne: Sid Foggs (4) Scania K400EB/Irizar i6S posed in the depot in the Newcastle Knights livery
M Browne: Sid Foggs (5) Scania K400EB/Irizar i6S posed in the depot in a livery for the Newcastle Jets
M Browne: Sid Foggs (5) Scania K400EB/Irizar i6S posed in the depot in a livery for the Newcastle Jets
M Browne: Sid Foggs (9) Scania K420EB/Irizar Century posed in the depot
M Browne: Sid Foggs (4) and (15) posed in the depot. Both displaying their Newcastle Knights livery
M Browne: Sid Foggs (15) TV 6848 Scania K440EB/Irizar i6 posed in the depot with a striking AOA for the Newcastle Knights
M Browne: Sid Foggs (4) Scania K400EB/Irizar i6S posed in the depot in the Newcastle Knights livery
M Browne: Sid Foggs TV 2547 Scania K113TRB/Austral Pacific "Valere" posed in Tomago
M Browne: Sid Foggs TV 2547 and TV 2573 both Scania K113TRB's with Austral Pacifc bodies at the depot
M Browne: Sid Foggs TV1413 MCA Marathon posed at Fullerton Cove
M Browne: Sid Foggs TV 7060 Renault PR100.3/Austral Denning posed for a photo at Stockton Ferry
M Browne: Sid Foggs TV 3449 Mercedes Benz O404-3/Austral Denning at Broadmeadow Station
M Browne: Sid Foggs TV 7060 Renault PR100.3/AD on Nelson Bay Road
M Browne: Sid Foggs (3) BCI 6145 on Nelson Bay Road
M Browne: Sid Foggs (B7) Renault PR180.2/Ansair on Nelson Bay Rd
M Browne: Sid Foggs (21) Scania K113TRB/Austral Pacific "Majestic" on Nelson Bay Road
M Browne: Sid Foggs (4) Scania K400EB/Irizar i6S on rail in Sydney
M Browne: Sid Foggs (4) Scania K400EB/Irizar i6S on rail in Sydney
M Browne: Sid Foggs (8) Van Hool EX16 H on rail in Sydney
M Browne: Sid Foggs (5) Scania K400IB/Irizar i6 on rail in Sydney
M Browne: Sid Foggs (2) Scania K310IB/Irizar i6 on rail in Sydney