www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: Casa dei Cavalieri di Rodi
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: Arch of Titus 1821 Inscription DSC_0438
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: Arch of Titus and the Via Sacra DSC_0433
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: Arch of Titus Passagewazy DSC_0437
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: Arch of Titus to the Palatine Hill DSC_0444
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: Arch of Titus Triumphal Procession Frieze
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: Arch of Titus view across the Forum DSC_0435
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: Arch of Titus with Titus as triumphator DSC_0442
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0443 - Palatine Hill and the Farnese Gardens
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0445 Domus Tiberiana and Palatine Ramparts
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0445 Towards The West Side with the Arch of Septimius Severus
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0448 Uccelliere Farnesiane
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0449 Farnese Aviaries and Gardens
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0453 Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0456 Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0457 Basilica of Maxentius
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0458 Santi Cosma e Damiano
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0463 House of the Vestals
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0464 House of the Vestals
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0466 House of the Vestals
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0468 House of the Vestals
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0469 House of the Vestals and Domus Tiberiana
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0474 Septimius Severus Arch
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0476 Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0477 Temple of Divus Julius
www.mgaylard.co.uk and thanks for looking: DSC_0482 Temple of Vesta