mgv4: piramide di Caio Cestio
mgv4: Testaccio' cat 3
mgv4: Testaccio' cat 2
mgv4: Testaccio' cats
mgv4: Testaccio' cat 1
mgv4: Collosseo
mgv4: Fontana Della Barcaccia (detail)
mgv4: Jesus
mgv4: Triton
mgv4: on the street
mgv4: Trevi
mgv4: Trevi's Pegasus
mgv4: Pegasus
mgv4: Foro Romano
mgv4: Horses
mgv4: Bronze horse
mgv4: Campidoglio
mgv4: horse
mgv4: Castor or Pollux (detail)
mgv4: Castor or Pollux
mgv4: Santa Maria in Cosmedin
mgv4: Santa Maria in Trastevere
mgv4: mosaics on the facade
mgv4: divine light
mgv4: mosaics in SM in Trastevere
mgv4: Trastevere