Mahbub Faisal:
"She trims the room with clouds of white on a blue sky"
Mahbub Faisal:
"i am black, but oh, my soul is white"
Mahbub Faisal:
Picture 040 copy
Mahbub Faisal:
"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
Mahbub Faisal:
Good sky, God king. Happy boy jumping
Mahbub Faisal:
amar bangla
Mahbub Faisal:
childhood- the golden moment of human life
Mahbub Faisal:
destination unlimited-2
Mahbub Faisal:
“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning”
Mahbub Faisal:
surjo ami oi degonte harabo,ostomito hobo tubu chinho rekhe jabo oi dhoronir book a
Mahbub Faisal:
Last night long exposure-sky
Mahbub Faisal:
When Sun is going to set......
Mahbub Faisal:
Mahbub Faisal:
Heart shape clouds
Mahbub Faisal:
Sun rise from Mall observatory hill
Mahbub Faisal:
magh er sagor
Mahbub Faisal:
Kachanjnagga_world 3rd highest peak
Mahbub Faisal:
Kanchanjangga_world 3rd highest peak
Mahbub Faisal:
a city where clouds r playing
Mahbub Faisal:
mag er rajjo
Mahbub Faisal:
destination unlimited
Mahbub Faisal:
hope or hopeless
Mahbub Faisal:
sun........... on fire
Mahbub Faisal:
sunset in bay of bangle
Mahbub Faisal:
Mahbub Faisal:
Mahbub Faisal:
Thunder in paradise
Mahbub Faisal:
dreamy sky