firdaus omar: Plane Crossing
firdaus omar: Miles from Tula
firdaus omar: Stoned
firdaus omar: Peace and Quiet
firdaus omar: Moscow Nights: Yuri "Santa Claus" Dolgoruki
firdaus omar: Moscow Nights - MGU Pre-New Year
firdaus omar: Cloud Machine, Water Reactor
firdaus omar: chocolates
firdaus omar: the lada twelve hundred - side profile
firdaus omar: the lada twelve hundred - front profile
firdaus omar: Cloud Machine
firdaus omar: Tools of his trade
firdaus omar: The Dance Troupe - ASEAN Day Reception
firdaus omar: Snow Forest
firdaus omar: Cleanup Crew
firdaus omar: Men of Snow
firdaus omar: MGU - Part VI(?)