firdaus omar: moscow nights: on triti kaltso
firdaus omar: moscow nights: on leninsky prospect
firdaus omar: moscow nights: st. basil cathedral
firdaus omar: New and Old
firdaus omar: Cathedral of Intercession of the Virgin on the Moat
firdaus omar: moscow nights: from lenin hill
firdaus omar: moscow nights: vernadskogo prospect
firdaus omar: Fly me to the moon
firdaus omar: moscow nights: MGU
firdaus omar: band of brothers
firdaus omar: moscow nights: under the same moon
firdaus omar: Moscow Nights - MGU Pre-New Year
firdaus omar: Moscow Nights: Yuri "Santa Claus" Dolgoruki
firdaus omar: Déjà Vu: 19 minutes past midnight
firdaus omar: Moscow Nights: Donskoy Monastery
firdaus omar: Moscow Northern Skyline
firdaus omar: Moscow Cityscape - 5 Sisters
firdaus omar: rembulan (moon)
firdaus omar: Season 3: Final Winter?
firdaus omar: C Novim Godom 2009!
firdaus omar: Red Square from 12 Floors Up