mfophotos: DSCN9826.jpg
mfophotos: katydid on chair
mfophotos: Sandalid beetle
mfophotos: Meloid Beetle
mfophotos: a new friend at work
mfophotos: red mite - it's a small world
mfophotos: Time to Fly Home
mfophotos: beetle adventures
mfophotos: My new friend
mfophotos: leggy shadow
mfophotos: A Meeting of the Dead Fly Society
mfophotos: Syrphid Sucking
mfophotos: Ambusher
mfophotos: Green and White
mfophotos: Monobia
mfophotos: Petal Pad
mfophotos: Bug of the Day
mfophotos: pennant
mfophotos: Emerald eyes
mfophotos: sucking nectar
mfophotos: big bee, small flowers
mfophotos: archie
mfophotos: Mating Hine's Emerald Dragonflies
mfophotos: bee on achillea
mfophotos: hummingbird sphinx
mfophotos: conopid fly
mfophotos: baltimore checkerspot
mfophotos: hines emerald perched
mfophotos: nectar time
mfophotos: Jaws5